Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University (KKHSOU), Guwahati, Assam, India is organizing a two day International Conference on December 20-21, 2019 in NEDFi Convention Center at Guwahati on the topic “Livelihood Issues in Developing Countries—Role of ODL” with the following sub-themes:
1. Definitional Framework/Models/Approaches.
2. Inclusive Education, Open Education and Livelihood Promotion .
3. Sustainability, SDGs and Livelihood Issues : Role of ODL .
4. Livelihood Issues as Reflected in Ancient and Contemporary Literature .
5. Political Ideology, Governance Issues and Livelihood.
6. Economic Policies and Livelihood Concerns.
7. Livelihood Issues in North-East India.
8. Management/Operational Issues/ICT in Livelihood Promotion.
9. Case Studies related to Livelihood Issues and ODL.
Professor Asha Kanwar, Head, Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada and the Honorable Vice Chancellors and Key Functionaries of Open Universities of the countries like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, etc. are expected to participate in the conference as Keynote Speaker/Chairperson/Panellist. The members from the Academic Fraternity and Developmental Organizations are also expected to contribute papers/posters. The details regarding the conference are available in the conference website here. KKHSOU solicits your active participation in the conference from members in the Academic Fraternity and Developmental Organizations.