As a prime mover for Education and Human Capacity Building, Malaysia was tasked with setting up the Asia e University (AeU) under the auspices of Asian Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) Countries.
AeU has been the lead initiator of Asian Credit Transfer System (“ACTS”). The ACTS acts as an instrument for mutual credit recognition and credit transfer with participating universities.
The ACD-MBA is a new initiataive to promote multi lateral collaboration amongst thhe ACD-University Network participating. There are 12 participating Unuversities who agreed to the initiation of ACD-MBA namely, Siam University, Thailand, Asia e University, Malaysia, Punjabi University, India, Saint Mary’s University, Philippines, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Iran, Our Lady Fatima University, Philippines, Daffodil University, Bangladesh, University of Surabaya (Ubaya), Indonesia, Build Bright University, Cambodia, RIMT of India, Tomsk Polytechnic University of Russia, and Ewha Women University, South Korea.
The ACD MBA programme has three key strengths. Firstly, the programme is supported internationally by the ACD member Universities with substantial facilitation from the ACD secretariat in Kuwait. Secondly, the online and blended learning approach provides suitable flexibility to meet the demands of all learners. Thirdly, it’s an opportunity for the students to explore and experience the nuances and cross-cultural differences of learning in a wider Asian context
In yet another significant milestone contribution by Malaysia under the ACD is the establishment of the AeU-ACD Scholar Awards. The Scholar Awards are for full-time study in AeU and are open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students in ACD Member Countries. Two awards covering full tuition fees for the undergraduate and postgraduate will be given to each of the ACD member countries commencing September this year.
The Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) is a multilateral organisation consisting of 35 Asian Countries; the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, the Kingdom of Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, the Kingdom of Cambodia, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of India, the Republic of Indonesia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Korea, the State of Kuwait, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, the Sultanate of Oman, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Republic of the Philippines, the State of Qatar, the Russian Federation, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Republic of Singapore, the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Kingdom of Thailand, the Republic of Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, and the State of Palestine.