The administration of Virtual University of Pakistan was called on by the President of Pakistan at Aiwan-e-Sadr on 26th June, 2020. The meeting was attended by Secretary Information Technology Mr. Shoaib Ahmad Siddiqui, Secretary to President Mr. Tariq Najeeb Najmi, Rector Virtual University of Pakistan Mr. Naeem Tariq, Director ICT Mr. Ehsan Puri and Registrar Virtual University of Pakistan Dr. Mohsin Javed. Rector Virtual University of Pakistan Mr. Naeem Tariq briefed the President about the role of VUP in promotion of education in the country. He said that VUP provides affordable education to students all over the country through ICTs.
While appreciating the role of VUP in providing cost-effective education, the President said the University has been playing significant role in providing distance education in view of COVID-19 pandemic. He stated that the pandemic has opened huge market for e-learning universities and the management of VUP needs to capitalize on emerging opportunities. The President while chairing the meeting said the University can play a great role in providing education through better utilization of innovative Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic.
The President Dr. Arif Alvi directed the management of Virtual University of Pakistan (VUP) to devise a five-year plan aimed at increasing the institution’s outreach and global marketing. He advised the University to increase its pace and improve access to higher education by adopting an innovative strategy to take Pakistan ahead in the area of education so that more students can take benefit from it.