An online symposium titled “Hepatitis: Finding the Missing Millions” was hosted by the Department of Molecular Biology, Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore in collaboration with Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, The University of Agriculture, D.I. Khan and National Academy of Young Scientists (NAYS), Pakistan on August 6, 2020. The conference started with recitation of verses from Holy Quran. Mr. Naeem Tariq, Rector Virtual University of Pakistan, in his welcome address welcomed all the participants in general and speakers in special for extracting time from their precious schedule. He emphasized the importance of holding such informative events and appreciated the Department of Molecular Biology for its continuous efforts in promoting awareness though these events. Dr. Tanveer Hussain, HOD, Department of Molecular Biology, who was also the focal person of this conference, elaborated the aims and objectives of the conference and described why it was important to hold such events.
The conference consisted of four very informative and convincing talks on different aspects of Hepatitis, given by the eminent scholars in the field. In their talks, these researchers talked about the physiological, pathological and social aspects of Hepatitis and emphasized the importance of taking this disease of modern times as seriously as possible. They talked about the preventive measures that can be taken to avoid hepatitis. A considerable part of the talks also concentrated on the therapeutic strategies being adopted worldwide to treat Hepatitis. All the speakers agreed that though Government should take urgent measures to deal with this disease, they also emphasized that the war against hepatitis cannot be won unless the people themselves take precautionary measures and keep themselves informed about different aspects of this disease. The audience were also informed about the awareness campaign being run at different levels by the young doctors, researchers and volunteers all across Pakistan. Towards the end, Professor Dr. Malik Muhammad Arif Rafiq, Dean Faculty of Science and Technology, thanked the distinguished speakers, organizers and attendees for sparing time from their busy schedule and giving such informative talks. Finally, Mr. Naeem Tariq, Rector VUP, in his concluding remarks expressed his gratefulness to the organizers for holding this eventful conference and hoped such events will be organized in future too.
Department of Molecular Biology – Virtual University of Pakistan Arranged Symposium Titled “Hepatitis: Finding the Missing Millions”