Korea National Open University to Host a Webinar Entitled “The Future of Distance Education in the Era of Post-Corona”

Korea National Open University (KNOU) proudly announces hosting a webinar which is entitled “The Future of Distance Education in the era of Post-Corona”. This event is co-organized by Institute of Distance Education and Office of International Affairs of KNOU, and will be conducted on 12 November 2020 through Youtube LIVE platform.

Please note that KNOU will issue the e-certificate on condition of filling out the survey form. The survey form is expected to be filled after the webinar has ended.

Link to the webinar: https://youtu.be/0myynqqDYp4
Link to the survey: https://forms.gle/Q6Urf9Ktt4qw4TLB9
(If the google form doesn’t open, please contact: knouic@knou.ac.kr)

Download the file down below to learn further about the webinar!