Global Life Learning — A Journal by Shanghai Open University

At the beginning of 2021, Shanghai Open University (SOU) launched an English journal called Global Lifelong Learning (GLL), which is an international, open access, peer reviewed journal published by Shanghai Open University (ISSN: 2576-0769). GLL is dedicated to publish high quality research papers in the areas of lifelong learning policy, theory, and practice.

GLL focuses on adult education, community education, education for the third age, and learning society—fields that are currently booming and full of vitality based on new needs for human survival and social development. Lifelong education is not a simple extension of traditional education. Rather, it involves adopting new attitudes, perspectives and methods to the basic issues of daily life. The dissemination and exchange of practice and theory will not only contribute to the healthy growth of lifelong learning.

This year, GLL will organize a special issue on “education for the elderly”, and the deadline for the submission is May 15, 2021. Welcome you and your colleagues to submit the papers to the special issue and other issues of GLL . The call for papers for GLL is as following:

  1. Themes
    The themes include the lifelong learning theory, policy, project and practice, technology application, and other topics directly related to lifelong learning.
  2. Manuscript specifications
    1) Papers should be written in English.
    2) The title should clarify the research content and methodology.
    3) The length of the submission is between 5000-10000 words.
    4) The abstract should include research questions, methods, procedure, findings and conclusions. The abstract should not exceed 250 words, and the 3-6 keywords are required.
    5) References and notes should follow the APA style.
    6) For the paper format, please refer to the Instructions for Authors on the journal’s official website at:
  3. Submission
    1) All manuscripts must be submitted online at
    2) If any inquiry or questions, please feel free to contact the publishing office by or
  4. Others
    1) If the manuscript involves issues such as confidentiality, patents, or any other intellectual property, the author is responsible for obtaining the consent of the relevant departments and for submitting the supporting documents to GLL editorial office. The journal will not be responsible for any disputes from the manuscripts.
    2) The editorial office has the right to revise the manuscript according to related publishing rules. Please communicate with the editorial office if you have any questions regarding those revisions.
    3) The manuscript will be double blind peer-reviewed.

    SOU warmly welcomes high-level empirical research that will lead the innovation of theory and research paradigm in lifelong learning!