Each year, AAOU recognizes an individual for his/her outstanding services and contributions to the areas of open and distance education with the distinguished AAOU Meritorious Service Award. This prestigious award shall consist of a plaque and a citation.
The Executive Committee of AAOU will have the honour of selecting the recipient of this award based on dedication, effort and contributions upon recommendations by the Adjudication Committee. Presentation of this award shall be made at the AAOU Annual Conference.
The Panel of Adjudicators will take a broad view of the meritorious services rendered by any person to the cause of Distance Education in Asia during the preceding decade or so.
Individual academics or administrators may be nominated by the member institutions of the AAOU. Nominations may also be made by senior faculty (not below the rank of Full Professor) working in AAOU member institutions. Nominees need not be restricted to persons presently working for or associated with the member institutions of the AAOU. Nominations must be signed either by the Chief Executive of the nominating institution, or by at least three Senior Academics of the AAOU member institutions. More than one nomination can be made. Each nomination must be accompanied by a statement of not more than 1,000 words describing the reasons for making the nomination. A copy of the nominee’s Curriculum Vitae MUST also be attached.
Form of the Award
The purpose of this Award is to provide tangible recognition for exceptional service or achievement of an individual. The Award comprises a citation and a plaque of appropriate size as symbols of acknowledgement that will be presented by the AAOU President to the recipient during the AAOU Annual Conference.
While it may not be possible for the AAOU to contribute towards the travel cost, accommodation and the local hospitality will be provided by the conference organizer. The recipient of this award shall be granted with free registration to the AAOU Annual Conference.
The Adjudication Committee
The President of the AAOU will appoint three to four members from AAOU institutions representing various countries to form the Adjudication Committee. The Committee shall be responsible to review the nominations and make their recommendations to the President of the AAOU. The President will seek the endorsement and approval of the Executive Committee of AAOU for final selection of the Awardee. The President will announce the recipient of this award and inform the deserving recipient prior to the award presentation ceremony in the AAOU Annual Conference.
The call for nominations for the AAOU Meritorious Service Award 2024 will be circulated soon.